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Good morning world!

Or afternoon, or evening; or some other, more specific time, which I couldn't possibly predict. I'm Charlotte, budding YA Fantasy author and worldbuilder extraordinaire (self-titled), based in London, UK.


I have a love for all things character design. My adoration is rooted deeply in a love and education in History: I have written essays on the importance of visual cultures to historians, and I have spent many years studying how outfits have been put together globally across time. 


This training leads me perfectly into the role of character design and development. My ability to ramble on about fictional worlds, combined with how fast I can get engrossed in research on any given topic, makes me a dedicated and efficient creator. I love hearing about new worlds and working out how these would fit together visually, particularly on an individual basis, rooted in both world and character.


For more information (or if you just want to chat), drop me a message on Twitter. If you add a picture of a cat, I will definitely reply. Not a necessity. Just a suggestion.

About Me: About Me
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©2022 by Charlotte F B Halse. Proudly created with

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